
3VR’s new Demographics analytic allows retail, banking and hospitality end-users to do more than count customers.


3VR’s new Demographics analytic allows retail, banking and hospitality end-users to do more than count customers. Understand who your customers are by identifying foot traffic by age and gender. Video Analytics Demographics Available as a premium add-on to any 3VR system, the new 3VR Demographics Analytic allows retail, banking and hospitality end-users to count their customers and identify these customers by age and gender. Compare counting report against POS transactions, understand foot traffic conversion, and empower your organization with valuable business intelligence.


  • Count customers and identify them by age and gender
  • Gain valuable intelligence to better understand what merchandise to stock
  • Compare counting report against point-of-sale (POS) transactions to understand foot traffic conversion
  • Run reports over time to gain business intelligence
  • Test advertisements by understanding what demographics respond to the ad.
  • 3VR makes it easy for you to deploy on your existing 3VR NVR or HVR, manage the installation locally or from a central location, and maintain the solution with remote health checks


  3VR S-Series 3VR P-Series 3VR X-Series
Ability to add analytics as software upgrades.
Real time analysis of video for real time alerting, viewing and search.
Adding analytics does not require buying additional hardware.
Ability to verify authenticity of video and events through watermarking method (e.g. SHA-1)
Analytic-triggered alerts.
Search by analytics (outside of alerts) (e.g. search in a region, or search for a specific person where no alert has been set).
API to integrate data from external, non-video system such as transaction, POS, and access control.
Ability to adjust all types of recording settings (such as resolution, quality, fps, motion-based or continuous recording) remotely.
Ability to configure storage settings (such as RAID configurations) remotely Remote health monitoring